Configuring the Mod
If you really hate editing config files by hand, it's suggested that you use our Config Editor App. It includes Live preview and fetches the available images directly from discord!
Simple RPC uses a TOML based config system with a very simple, well named and commented layout. When running the mod for the first time, a config file will be created using the default settings. You can use the mod as is, use your own data, or use a Custom App entirely.
Since Simple RPC Version 1.4, it's possible to create a config for different languages. To learn more, Check out
You do not need to restart the game while editing the config. The config will AUTO RELOAD when the file is saved
Default Config
It has recently been discovered that discord has a character limitation on the imageText. It CANNOT be longer than 1288 chars and shorter than 2 chars
You can also use Direct links to PNG images to use as "image keys". To do this, upload your image to a site like IMGUR, Dropbox or Github and right click the image, then copy URL. If you paste this URL into your browser and ONLY see the image, it will work. If you see a webpage, it will NOT work!
Below is the sample config file with an explanation of each section/item.
To have a value ignored, simple leave it empty! clientID is required though
#General Config Section
#To have a value ignored, simply leave it empty!
#The Client ID of the Discord App to use. Replace this with your client id from the previous step to change the name of the app
clientID = 762726289341677668
#Enable/Disable the mod
enabled = true
#Enable/Disable debugging mode. WARNING: MAY CAUSE LOG SPAM!
debugging = false
#Enable/Disable the in game config screen
configScreen = true
#Display the Icon and Pack Name in place of LargeImage from compatible launchers. DOES NOT WORK WITH CUSTOM APPS! ONLY THE DEFAULT ONE!
launcherIntegration = false
#Enable/Disabled in-game notifications about new releases
updater = false
#Internal Version Number. NO TOUCHY!
version = 9
#The Game Loading event
#Enable/Disable the Game Loading Event
enabled = true
#The first line of text under the app name
description = "Minecraft is loading"
#The second line of text under the app name
state = "Game Starting..."
#The Asset ID of the image to display as the large image
largeImageKey = "mclogo"
#The text that gets displayed when the large image is hovered
largeImageText = "It's Minecraft %mcver%, but modded"
#The Asset ID of the image to display as the small image
smallImageKey = "mclogo"
#The text that gets displayed when the small image is hovered
smallImageText = "%mods% mods installed"
#The buttons to display on Discord
buttons = []
#The Main Menu event
#Enable/Disable the Main Menu Event
enabled = true
#The first line of text under the app name
description = "%player% is currently lazy"
#The seconds line of text under the app name
state = "Chilling in the menu"
#The Asset ID of the image to display as the large image
largeImageKey = "mclogo"
#The text that gets displayed when the large image is hovered
largeImageText = "It's Minecraft %mcver%, but modded"
#The Asset ID of the image to display as the small image
smallImageKey = "mclogo"
#The text that gets displayed when the small image is hovered
smallImageText = "%mods% mods installed"
#The buttons to display on Discord
buttons = []
#The Server List event
#Enable/Disable the Server List Event
enabled = true
#The first line of text under the app name
description = "%player% is looking for a server"
#The second line of text under the app name
state = "Searching for friends"
#The Asset ID of the image to display as the large image
largeImageKey = "mclogo"
#The text that gets displayed when the large image is hovered
largeImageText = "It's Minecraft %mcver%, but modded"
#The Asset ID of the image to display as the small image
smallImageKey = "mclogo"
#The text that gets displayed when the small image is hovered
smallImageText = "%mods% mods installed"
#The buttons to display on Discord
buttons = []
#The Join Game Event
#Enable/Disable the Join Game Event
enabled = true
#The first line of text under the app name
description = "%player% is joining a game"
#The second line of text under the app name
state = "Joining Game"
#The Asset ID of the image to display as the large image
largeImageKey = "mclogo"
#The text that gets displayed when the large image is hovered
largeImageText = "It's Minecraft %mcver%, but modded"
#The Asset ID of the image to display as the small image
smallImageKey = "mclogo"
#The text that gets displayed when the small image is hovered
smallImageText = "%mods% mods installed"
#The buttons to display on Discord
buttons = []
#The Single Player Event
#Enable/Disable the Single Player Event
enabled = true
#The first line of text under the app name
description = "Currently In %world%"
#The second line of text under the app name
state = "Playing lonely mode"
#The Asset ID of the image to display as the large image
largeImageKey = "mclogo"
#The text that gets displayed when the large image is hovered
largeImageText = "It's Minecraft %mcver%, but modded"
#The Asset ID of the image to display as the small image
smallImageKey = "mclogo"
#The text that gets displayed when the small image is hovered
smallImageText = "%mods% mods installed"
#The buttons to display on Discord
buttons = []
#The Multi Player Event
#Enable/Disable the Multi Player Event
enabled = true
#The first line of text under the app name
description = "Playing on %servername% with %players% players"
#The second line of text under the app name
state = "Playing online"
#The Asset ID of the image to display as the large image
largeImageKey = "mclogo"
#The text that gets displayed when the large image is hovered
largeImageText = "It's Minecraft %mcver%, but modded"
#The Asset ID of the image to display as the small image
smallImageKey = "mclogo"
#The text that gets displayed when the small image is hovered
smallImageText = "%mods% mods installed"
#The buttons to display on Discord
buttons = []
#Fallback event for disabled events
#The first line of text under the app name
description = "Playing Minecraft"
#The second line of text under the app name
state = ""
#The Asset ID of the image to display as the large image
largeImageKey = "mclogo"
#The text that gets displayed when the large image is hovered
largeImageText = "It's Minecraft %mcver%, but modded"
#The Asset ID of the image to display as the small image
smallImageKey = "mclogo"
#The text that gets displayed when the small image is hovered
smallImageText = "%mods% mods installed"
#The buttons to display on Discord
buttons = []
#World/Dimension Image Overrides
#Leave values empty that you don't want to override
enabled = false
name = "overworld"
description = "%player% is in The Overworld"
state = ""
largeImageKey = "overworld"
largeImageText = "In the Overworld"
smallImageKey = "mclogo"
smallImageText = "%mods% mods installed"
name = "the_nether"
description = "%player% is in The Nether"
state = ""
largeImageKey = "nether"
largeImageText = "In the Nether"
smallImageKey = "mclogo"
smallImageText = "%mods% mods installed"
name = "the_end"
description = "%player% is in The End"
state = ""
largeImageKey = "end"
largeImageText = "In the End"
smallImageKey = "mclogo"
smallImageText = "%mods% mods installed"
Multi-Language Config Files
Available since 1.4
Simple RPC allows for language detection in Minecraft, so If you decide you wanna play Minecraft in a different language, your discord status can now be shown in that language. But it requires some setup, which is why this section exists.
When launching the game for the first time with 1.4 installed, you will find a new folder called simple-rpc
inside your .minecraft
folder. This is the folder in which you will place your translated config files.
To create a translated config file, copy simple-rpc.toml
from your config folder to the simple-rpc
folder. To make sure the mod loads the correct config file, you need to rename the file a bit. The new name of your file will now be simple-rpc_lang_code.toml
To find a complete list of lang-codes, check out this site -> https://minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/Languages.
Once you have created this file, you can change all "state", "description", "largeimagetext" and "smallimagetext" fields. You cannot translate the imagekeys!
Some name examples of languages:
- American English -> "simple-rpc-en_us.toml"
- Dutch -> "simple-rpc-nl_nl.toml"
Warning: Leave the default config file in english, as the mod falls back to this file when a translated file cannot be found
Configuration Variables
Variables are pieces of text added to the config file that allows you to display data from the game on your status.
These variables can used inside any 'state', 'description', 'largeImageText', 'smallImageText' and inside buttons.
Single/Multiplayer Variables (2.5+)
Multiplayer Only (2.4+)
These variables only work in multiplayer (lan or online) games